If your purpose is to start saving, but you are not quite sure how much you can allocate each month, below you will find how to budget and some recommendations so that you can save more.
The total is what you can save per month.
The ability to save can be improved on many occasions, for this there are some strategies you can follow:
Reduce all the expenses you can. The best way to increase savings will always be to cut or reduce unnecessary expenses .
Many times you don’t even have on your radar how much you spend on meals out or going out with friends. It is not about eliminating everything, but about spending consciously or exchanging some expenses for others, so that you can increase savings.
Pay yourself first. Before thinking about what you are going to do with the money for the fortnight, separate what you want to save.
Sometimes you can end up spending more because you have some money left and you don’t know what to do with it, that happens with compulsive purchases.
If you set aside the amount you want to save from the beginning, you will avoid spending it without realizing it.
Have a separate account. If you have all the money in one account, it is very easy for you to spend it without realizing it, it could even be on something you do not need or a compulsive purchase . Having a separate savings account will avoid this.
Another recommendation is that you avoid having the card on hand or even in your wallet. This way you will avoid resorting to it if you go shopping, with family or friends.
Look for other income. If you’ve already made adjustments to your budget and can’t save as much as you want, it’s time to look for other income.
It can be something you do from home, sell something by catalog or even a weekend job, any effort will be rewarded.
Finally, the main recommendation is to be consistent. Achieving the discipline of saving takes time, but it is not impossible, after a few months you will see how this account begins to grow and you begin to achieve all your goals.